Cannot rebuild RAID and advise customer for fix this problem.
1) backup your data
2) update the firmware to the latest version ( Optional but strongly commandeered:)
follow the manual instruction: with latest version :
with older version
Drive -> click the RAID array and select the new drive next push rebuild raid. See manuals for details.
see this faq for more information
But cannot fix this problem.
Next time, please post much lager picture if it is possible. the picture is vary small to see.
This time is OK.
Disk 2 Status is Normal(single disk). There is possible to format as Normal disk mistakenly.
Please do a procedure below. (little bit long, But do carefully)
(1)Log in to WEB UI.
(2)Navigate to "System" -> "Storage" -> "Disks"
(3)Select disk2 and press "Remove Disk"
(4)Confirm Disk2 status changes "Normal(RMM available)" to "Removed"
(5)Physically pull out the Disk2, while the NAS is running.
(6)Turn off the NAS from WEB UI.
(7)Put back the Disk2 to the NAS.
(8)Turn ON the NAS
(9)Log in to WEB UI and go to "System" -> "Storage" -> "RAID array"
(10)Press "Rebiuld RAID Array"
BTW, Please see a correct procedure of your NAS.
You posted the FAQ is for TS7000. WEB UI and some hardware specification are different from each product.
Correct FAQ is here.
How can I replace a hard drive and rebuild a RAID array in the LinkStation? (LS-QVL)