1 Summarize of research result
In research project, we have find out about the opinion of the great package design of cookies and we get the research of our project from the opinion of 20 people. In our research project we have research in male for 30 percent and female in 70 percent.
For the material that prefer in the package design of cookie product in 75 percent of all interviewee choose a box of paper, 10 percent for plastic, 10 percent for stainless and 5 percent for a glass jar. In another topic for the factor that should consider about a good package in 35 percent choose the clean of package, 20 percent for the safety, 25 percent in the attraction and the last one 20 percent for the flavor of the cookie product. Next, in people opinion, they choose those factors because they should consider the most safety in 25 percent, Heat and chemical of package in 5 percent, they choose to consider about flavor in 70 percent. People’s opinion in 85 percent they thought the packaging is influencing on product price but in 15 percent for people’s opinion they thought the packaging is not the factor for influencing on product’s price. Then, people’s opinion thought the producer should consider in price of material in 40 percent, the designing of image brand for 30 percent, storage for 10 percent and easy to eat 15 percent and the last one 5 percent for durability and portable for package of product. Last topic is the characters of product should be suit or match with customer for 17 percent in the target group, 58 percent in price, and 25 percent in material and the less one for quality of product.
5.2 Discussion of research result
In the opinion of people in PSU they choose for the material that prefer in the package design of cookie product most of people choose a box of paper. In another topic for the factor that should consider about a good package in mostly choose the clean of package. Next, in people opinion, they choose those factors because they should consider the most safety. Mostly in people’s opinion they thought the packaging is influencing on product price but less one for people’s opinion they thought the packaging is not the factor for influencing on product’s price. Then, people’s opinion thought the producer should consider in price of material for the most. Last topic is the characters of product should be suit or match with customer the price should be good for customer. For contrast in people’s opinion Asia There are two key aspects in packaging design: physical and aesthetic. A good packaging design is the key to increasing the perceived brand value of your product. It acts as the first tool of communication between consumers and the product. By improving the look and feel of your product packaging, we can shape consumer perceptions and influence their purchase decisions. Packaging design is also an invaluable form of advertising. It acts as a subtle and unique advertising medium, where customers play a part in increasing brand exposure just by carrying your products. An attractive packaging is eye-catching and creates interest among potential customers.
5.3 Suggestion for future research
The literature is fragmented, stemming from different disciplining backgrounds, i.e., financial economists, organization theorists and strategic management scholars. In general, however, these disciplines do not read or cite the ideas and/or findings of other disciplines; the literature is fragmented within each discipline; this fragmentation is manifested in different marketing theory that is used for similar constructs. Finally, future research needs to examine the causal relationships among the proposed antecedents of citizenship behaviors to improve and use with the bigger marketing business. Our theories of the student’s behaviors should take indirect relationships between price and decision into account. The research focused on package design that impact on decision behavior, security, cookie market and price within the framework of the model.
1 Summarize of research result
In research project, we have find out about the opinion of the great package design of cookies and we get the research of our project from the opinion of 20 people. In our research project we have research in male for 30 percent and female in 70 percent.
For the material that prefer in the package design of cookie product in 75 percent of all interviewee choose a box of paper, 10 percent for plastic, 10 percent for stainless and 5 percent for a glass jar. In another topic for the factor that should consider about a good package in 35 percent choose the clean of package, 20 percent for the safety, 25 percent in the attraction and the last one 20 percent for the flavor of the cookie product. Next, in people opinion, they choose those factors because they should consider the most safety in 25 percent, Heat and chemical of package in 5 percent, they choose to consider about flavor in 70 percent. People’s opinion in 85 percent they thought the packaging is influencing on product price but in 15 percent for people’s opinion they thought the packaging is not the factor for influencing on product’s price. Then, people’s opinion thought the producer should consider in price of material in 40 percent, the designing of image brand for 30 percent, storage for 10 percent and easy to eat 15 percent and the last one 5 percent for durability and portable for package of product. Last topic is the characters of product should be suit or match with customer for 17 percent in the target group, 58 percent in price, and 25 percent in material and the less one for quality of product.
5.2 Discussion of research result
In the opinion of people in PSU they choose for the material that prefer in the package design of cookie product most of people choose a box of paper. In another topic for the factor that should consider about a good package in mostly choose the clean of package. Next, in people opinion, they choose those factors because they should consider the most safety. Mostly in people’s opinion they thought the packaging is influencing on product price but less one for people’s opinion they thought the packaging is not the factor for influencing on product’s price. Then, people’s opinion thought the producer should consider in price of material for the most. Last topic is the characters of product should be suit or match with customer the price should be good for customer. For contrast in people’s opinion Asia There are two key aspects in packaging design: physical and aesthetic. A good packaging design is the key to increasing the perceived brand value of your product. It acts as the first tool of communication between consumers and the product. By improving the look and feel of your product packaging, we can shape consumer perceptions and influence their purchase decisions. Packaging design is also an invaluable form of advertising. It acts as a subtle and unique advertising medium, where customers play a part in increasing brand exposure just by carrying your products. An attractive packaging is eye-catching and creates interest among potential customers.
5.3 Suggestion for future research
The literature is fragmented, stemming from different disciplining backgrounds, i.e., financial economists, organization theorists and strategic management scholars. In general, however, these disciplines do not read or cite the ideas and/or findings of other disciplines; the literature is fragmented within each discipline; this fragmentation is manifested in different marketing theory that is used for similar constructs. Finally, future research needs to examine the causal relationships among the proposed antecedents of citizenship behaviors to improve and use with the bigger marketing business. Our theories of the student’s behaviors should take indirect relationships between price and decision into account. The research focused on package design that impact on decision behavior, security, cookie market and price within the framework of the model.
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