Attribute Information:
0. url: URL of the article (non-predictive)
1. timedelta: Days between the article publication and the dataset acquisition (non-predictive)
2. n_tokens_title: Number of words in the title
3. n_tokens_content: Number of words in the content
4. n_unique_tokens: Rate of unique words in the content
5. n_non_stop_words: Rate of non-stop words in the content
6. n_non_stop_unique_tokens: Rate of unique non-stop words in the content
7. num_hrefs: Number of links
8. num_self_hrefs: Number of links to other articles published by Mashable
9. num_imgs: Number of images
10. num_videos: Number of videos
11. average_token_length: Average length of the words in the content
12. num_keywords: Number of keywords in the metadata
13. data_channel_is_lifestyle: Is data channel 'Lifestyle'?
14. data_channel_is_entertainment: Is data channel 'Entertainment'?
15. data_channel_is_bus: Is data channel 'Business'?
16. data_channel_is_socmed: Is data channel 'Social Media'?
17. data_channel_is_tech: Is data channel 'Tech'?
18. data_channel_is_world: Is data channel 'World'?
19. kw_min_min: Worst keyword (min. shares)
20. kw_max_min: Worst keyword (max. shares)
21. kw_avg_min: Worst keyword (avg. shares)
22. kw_min_max: Best keyword (min. shares)
23. kw_max_max: Best keyword (max. shares)
24. kw_avg_max: Best keyword (avg. shares)
25. kw_min_avg: Avg. keyword (min. shares)
26. kw_max_avg: Avg. keyword (max. shares)
27. kw_avg_avg: Avg. keyword (avg. shares)
28. self_reference_min_shares: Min. shares of referenced articles in Mashable
29. self_reference_max_shares: Max. shares of referenced articles in Mashable
30. self_reference_avg_sharess: Avg. shares of referenced articles in Mashable
31. weekday_is_monday: Was the article published on a Monday?
32. weekday_is_tuesday: Was the article published on a Tuesday?
33. weekday_is_wednesday: Was the article published on a Wednesday?
34. weekday_is_thursday: Was the article published on a Thursday?
35. weekday_is_friday: Was the article published on a Friday?
36. weekday_is_saturday: Was the article published on a Saturday?
37. weekday_is_sunday: Was the article published on a Sunday?
38. is_weekend: Was the article published on the weekend?
39. LDA_00: Closeness to LDA topic 0
40. LDA_01: Closeness to LDA topic 1
41. LDA_02: Closeness to LDA topic 2
42. LDA_03: Closeness to LDA topic 3
43. LDA_04: Closeness to LDA topic 4
44. global_subjectivity: Text subjectivity
45. global_sentiment_polarity: Text sentiment polarity
46. global_rate_positive_words: Rate of positive words in the content
47. global_rate_negative_words: Rate of negative words in the content
48. rate_positive_words: Rate of positive words among non-neutral tokens
49. rate_negative_words: Rate of negative words among non-neutral tokens
50. avg_positive_polarity: Avg. polarity of positive words
51. min_positive_polarity: Min. polarity of positive words
52. max_positive_polarity: Max. polarity of positive words
53. avg_negative_polarity: Avg. polarity of negative words
54. min_negative_polarity: Min. polarity of negative words
55. max_negative_polarity: Max. polarity of negative words
56. title_subjectivity: Title subjectivity
57. title_sentiment_polarity: Title polarity
58. abs_title_subjectivity: Absolute subjectivity level
59. abs_title_sentiment_polarity: Absolute polarity level
60. shares: Number of shares (target)