Chapter 7. The third portion of the poem begins with a description of Shawn’s body. His arms and legs are compared to “overcooked spaghetti laced with the bones of dead birds.” His eyes are described as being blank.
Shawn opens this chapter with a discussion of his school. He attends the Severely/Profoundly Handicapped Special Education Program and Shoreline High School in Seattle, Washington. There are only seven students in the classroom, including Shawn. His teacher’s name is Mrs. Hare and there are two teacher’s assistances, Becky and William, whom Shawn describes as being extremely nice and patient. Shawn fantasizes about Becky, but quickly recalls he will never have a chance with her since he cannot communicate. Shawn goes on to describe the other pupils in his class. He says his classroom is a lot like a zoo; the students moan, drool, and defecate in...