Return to members only area
Please pay for your membership first, then return to fill out the order form below to complete your order.
Payments should be sent directly through:
to Account ID: U4587415
to Account ID:
1. Make payment (do not forget place your username in the memo).
2. We will upgrade your account within 24 hours after we recieve a payment.
3. You can check your Account Type, in the "My User Info
Gold Membership
When you upgrade your free membership to a Gold Membership, you will receive the following benefits:
Free Referrals(5x)- Your referral url will be randomly inserted for surfers visiting the web site without a referral url
1,000 ptc worth 1000USD 40 sec monthly
10,000 banner impressions monthly
$2000 solo paid mail 80 sec to all monthly
5% extra Commission
Account Never Deleted (Cheat Links , Inactive etc.)
Turing number disabled.
Your Payout Request has higher priority than non Upraded Members
Minimum payout reduced to 1,200,000$
payout winthin 30 days
Gold member fee is only $60or a lifetime Membership.
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