People are always wondering whether the country or the city is the ideal place
to live. If there is one preference-which I take leave to make a conclusion-then
it is the country rather than the city that provides people with optimal living
conditions. There widespread testimonies for it and the primary ones are listed
as follows.
The foremost reason for dwelling in the countryside is the soothing and
comfortable life provided by the pastoral view. Hardly anyone could resist the
clean atmosphere, the friendly neighbors, the closeness to nature and the gentle
pace of living. Those who have enjoyed the first cock crow in the morning, the
twittering of birds in the tress and the breathtaking sight of the rising sun would
go into rapture at only mere mention of the idyllic life. Relaxed and suburban
dwellers are able to hold a more positive attitude for life and achieve more
Oppositely, the obvious things brought about by noisy and flashy city life are
more pressure and forever-lasting anxiety, agonizing and torching people's
mind day in and day out. Another subtle explanation rests on the fact that
country habitants are fortunate enough to enjoy the cozy and pleasant ambience
of the family without exhausting social life. How satisfactory and refreshing it
must be to have dinner together with your loved ones in the spacious and
pastoral surroundings after a frustrating day! Furthermore, nothing can be
compared with the joy of watching heart warming TV programs, playing
convivial games and sleeping in the tranquil and relaxing atmosphere.
On the contrary, it would be far more difficult to acquire such pleasure for those
urbanites. Consecutive and excessive recreations not only thrift money but also
deteriorate people's health, which is the last thing one would like to encounter.
Naturally, it is possibly to reckless to assert that nothing beneficial combines
with city life since several accompanying merits also come along with it.
Living in the metropolis means having more accesses to various people
involved in multiple attractive cultures. Living in the metropolis also provides
plentiful opportunities, both in career and studies.
Nevertheless, the fact that city life makes it more convenient to purchase a job
does not prevent us from concluding that country life is more enjoyable as well
as healthful and placing a certain amount of reliance on the notion that country
life is always the sensible choice.
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