2.3. Antimicrobial tests
Fruit were sterilized by washing with chlorinated water (1%)
and rinsing with distilled water. Identical lesions (diameter 1 mm
and depth 3 mm) were performed on the two opposite sides of the
fruit with sterile nails. Fruit were then inoculated individually by
immersion for 1 min in the microbial solution (105 spore/mL of
selected mould) and left overnight at room temperature. They
were dipped into the coating solution and then stored at 18 C and
60% RH. Percentages of inhibition of microorganisms by the
different coatings were calculated by comparing with the control
(uncoated mango), when the diameter of the lesions of the latter
exceeded 1 cm. Percentages of inhibition (%) = 1 (DS/DC) 100,
where DS is the diameter of the lesion zone in the coated mango
and DC is the diameter of lesion in the control (uncoated mango)
(Martínez-Camacho et al., 2010).
2.4. Respiration rate
Respiratory rate (RR) was determined by individually placing
each fruit in a 3 L glass jar hermetically closed for 3 h. Then 0.5 mL
of gas was withdrawn with a syringe and analyzed to determine
the % of CO2 and O2 by gas chromatography (GC 800, CE instrument, Italy) for oxygen and GC 1000, Dani, Italy, for carbon
dioxide). The respiratory rate was expressed in mmol kg1h1 in
normal conditions of temperature and pressure.
2.3. Antimicrobial testsFruit were sterilized by washing with chlorinated water (1%)and rinsing with distilled water. Identical lesions (diameter 1 mmand depth 3 mm) were performed on the two opposite sides of thefruit with sterile nails. Fruit were then inoculated individually byimmersion for 1 min in the microbial solution (105 spore/mL ofselected mould) and left overnight at room temperature. Theywere dipped into the coating solution and then stored at 18 C and60% RH. Percentages of inhibition of microorganisms by thedifferent coatings were calculated by comparing with the control(uncoated mango), when the diameter of the lesions of the latterexceeded 1 cm. Percentages of inhibition (%) = 1 (DS/DC) 100,where DS is the diameter of the lesion zone in the coated mangoand DC is the diameter of lesion in the control (uncoated mango)(Martínez-Camacho et al., 2010).2.4. Respiration rateRespiratory rate (RR) was determined by individually placingeach fruit in a 3 L glass jar hermetically closed for 3 h. Then 0.5 mLof gas was withdrawn with a syringe and analyzed to determinethe % of CO2 and O2 by gas chromatography (GC 800, CE instrument, Italy) for oxygen and GC 1000, Dani, Italy, for carbondioxide). The respiratory rate was expressed in mmol kg1h1 innormal conditions of temperature and pressure.
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