Bleeding on Interdental Brushing Index (BOIB)
Whereas measures of gingival inflammation through indices of bleeding with polling can be
influenced by factors such as angulation of the probe, the probe insertion depth, direction,
and motion of the probe and probing force and indices that use wooden spatulas, according
to its shape and rigidity, may represent a potential for trauma, Hofer et al. (2010) developed
the Bleeding on Interdental Brushing Index (BOIB). This index is performed by inserting a
light interdental brush placed buccally, just under the contact point and guided between the
teeth with a jiggling motion, without force. Bleeding is scored as either present or absent, for
each interdental site, after 30 s. The authors describe like advantages: atraumatic
manipulation of the papillae, ease of application, integration into existing oral hygiene
instruction and motivating patients to monitor their own progress at home, while at the
same time performing a beneficial oral hygiene procedure and removing any interdental
plaque that may be present.