recordingsEach animal was individually identified. Both the appetitive sex-ual behavior test (ASB) and the consummatory sexual behavior test(CSB) were assessed by exposing the males from both experimen-tal groups to anoestrus-anovualtory goats (Carrillo et al., 2014). Thebehavioral components of the ASB test considered to the responsevariables: flehmen, investigatory anogenital sniffing and lateralapproaches, while the CSB test considered: attempted mounts andmounts with ejaculation (Carrillo et al., 2014). These observationswere made during 1 h (0800–0900 h) by two experienced techni-cians during two days. In addition, male daily walking activity wasobjectively measured by using digital pedometers (JS-206B, GimbelMexicana Company).