oh this is so quite.. interesting. I feel like I'm hearing humming??? Like people humming in unison?
1 month ago•
Ken Brace
Yes, that's how binaural beats work. If you have 100 Hz coming through one ear and 140 Hz coming through another then you get a 40 Hz binaural beat.
3 months ago•
i like this and it really does help...a bit. I started seeing numbers that distract me from the questionnaire i have to do. i think i have this...light form of synesthesia. not helping :(
1 year ago•
Thank you, love this video!
3 years ago•1
NO DO NOT DO THIS!!!!! If you combine binaural frequencies with other modes of auditory input the neurons in your brain become overly excited and this creates an INTENSE headache and creates permanent damage to the dendrites.
2 years ago•
Robert Sosa
this is better than therapy
2 years ago•1
Marvin Mena Cerdas
is fanntastic
3 years ago•
i have to pee
2 years ago•
How do you explain your carrier wave being so close in frequency to the lower frequency - usually Carrier would be multitudes higher. .... did you produce this ?
1 year ago•
Andrew Paul
When i use delta/theta waves to enter soft states of tranquility after about a half hour or so i begin feeling those electric tingles common just before astral projection kicks in what i find curious is that the last time i experimented with LSD i entered a state without meditation where i was full on Thor and my mind was running a million miles an hour explaining the universe-consciousness unification. im assuming this was very high frequency (like 100hz at least) delta=gamma effects?? :S
2 years ago•
You are focusing on the sound. Do not do this. Listen to it unconsciously. It's no intended to be a song.
3 years ago•2
Melissa Yates
I feel the same way about Binaural beats.
1 year ago•
i've done this before... am I mentally ill now? lol seriously though, what type of damage?
2 years ago•
lmaaao what!?
2 years ago•
akrom bio
my fuckin brain felt like exploding wtf is this shit
3 years ago•18
What would happen if the headphones were to be flipped ?
2 years ago•
sing 2 octaves lower than it. It sounds so weird whenever you hum.
2 years ago•1
this one is 'cool' like a mid summer breeze cool airy light smooth calm calming soft I like these sounds and i like the first one even better
2 years ago•
Estefani Ruiz
Hi.I would like to know if can I do other thing at the moment than i'm listening waves?,(for example working or should I be quiet?.
1 year ago•1
Yes I created this, the difference of the two frequencies is 40hz. 40hz is not a very big difference in sound. For example F(3) on a piano is 174.61hz and A(3) is 220Hz The A note which is only two notes higher is 45.39 Hz higher in frequency then the F note.
1 year ago•1
oh this is so quite.. interesting. I feel like I'm hearing humming??? Like people humming in unison?
1 month ago•
Ken Brace
Yes, that's how binaural beats work. If you have 100 Hz coming through one ear and 140 Hz coming through another then you get a 40 Hz binaural beat.
3 months ago•
i like this and it really does help...a bit. I started seeing numbers that distract me from the questionnaire i have to do. i think i have this...light form of synesthesia. not helping :(
1 year ago•
Thank you, love this video!
3 years ago•1
NO DO NOT DO THIS!!!!! If you combine binaural frequencies with other modes of auditory input the neurons in your brain become overly excited and this creates an INTENSE headache and creates permanent damage to the dendrites.
2 years ago•
Robert Sosa
this is better than therapy
2 years ago•1
Marvin Mena Cerdas
is fanntastic
3 years ago•
i have to pee
2 years ago•