Have you ever wondered what job you will have in the future? Do you ever set goals for yourself? Many people have dreams and goals. I have put a lot of thought into my goals. For example, I would love to minor in Spanish. I would also like to be in the University of Arkansas' (U of A) Inspirational Singers. My dream job is to be a high school Choir Director. It is a good idea to set goals for yourself and try to accomplish both your dreams and your goals.
A minor in Spanish would be awesome! Not only would you have the enjoyment of knowing a second language, but you will also learn to appreciate the Spanish culture. Spanish is a very beautiful language. Who wouldn't want to learn it? Another contributing factor for my goal is that a lot of jobs are going to require that you know Spanish. With so many Spanish-speaking people moving to the United States businesses are going to need translators. Spanish, nowadays, is a very useful language to learn.
Another goal of mine is to be in the U of A's Inspirational Singers. I love the style of music they sing and it will also help me for my future occupation. The Inspirational Singers sing Black Gospel music, which just happens to be the type of music that I love to listen to and the type of music that I sing the best. It would be so great to stand in front of a crowd and sing my favorite type of music. I could just see it now, fans watching you trying to sing your best and then when it's all over, they start clapping from the amazing songs they just heard. Just imagining it is music to my heart. Also, because I am in college I could always go to my Choir Director and ask what classes he or she took. I could also ask that while I am in the process of getting my degree if I could conduct the choir a few times to give me some hands on training.
My dream job is to become a high school Choir Director. For one, I would get very impatient working with junior high students. Now don't get me...