B) Amount to be used in tanks with high nutrient load and in tanks using
ZEOvit® for the first time (already stocked):
Dose 2 ml per 250 gallons net water volume daily.
Subsequently, dose like in tanks that are nutrient poor and stable running with the
ZEOvit® system.
C) Amount to be used in tanks, which are nutrient poor and running stable with
ZEOvit® system (already stocked):
Dose continuously 1 – 2 ml per 250 gallons net water volume daily depending on
nutrient conditions.
Good results were achieved when dosing was done 2 - 4 times daily with the aid of a
dosing pump. Please keep in mind that a high quality and reliable dosing pump
should be used to assure proper dosing amount and error free operation. Check the
dosing amount on a regular basis when using a dosing pump.
We generally recommend using the lower dosing and water flow amounts until you get
comfortable with the system. As mentioned before, corals require a certain period of
time to acclimate to the parameters of their environment. The more time you give your
tank for these changes the less problems will occur. Please don’t treat this system with
the „more is better“ philosophy.
In case you are absent and you are unable to dose or „stir“ the media on a daily basis,
just pick up where you left off upon your return.