Field experiment was conducted during the rabi season of 2003-04 and 2004-05 at the farmer fields
in village Bhiuraha, district Jaunpur to study the efficacy of bio-ertilizers on growth and productivity
of wheat (Triticum aestivum). Leaf and shoot dry weight increased up to 90 days after sowing
(DAS) and then gradually declined. Shoot dry weight also gradually increased up to 120 DAS and
then decreased. However, dry matter in panicle increased rapidly from 120 DAS till harvesting. At
early stage (30-60 DAS), dry matter production was slow and the rate of dry matter accumulation
increased from 60 DAS onwards. About 21.5 per cent of dry matter of whole plant was observed at
60 DAS, 61.2 per cent at 90 DAS and 94.4 per cent at 120 DAS. The result showed significant
response of bio-fertilizers on growth and productivity of wheat. Combined application of biofertilizers
caused considerable increase in plant height over all the treatments. Tillering enhanced
significantly due to application of bio-fertilizers either alone or in combination. Greater tillering was
noticed when the crop received combined treatments than other treatments. Similar trend of results
was also observed in case of yield components of wheat ie ears/m2
, grains/ear and 1000 grain weight
increased significantly when the crop received bio-fertilizers either alone or combined. Accordingly,
the highest grain yield was recorded when the crop received combined bio-fertilizers