. At the same time the rough material of the walls is well contrasted with the delicate black entrance door. The main terrace ,dominating by the reflecting pool-“the reflected sky”, acts as the heart of the program. The pool’s triangle shape is an indication of how simple and elegant the design could be to coordinate pavement, plants and gradual slope into the single effort to craft the space to be a delightful one. Withstanding the limited scale of it, the reflecting pool eliminates this feeling by functioning as a mirror of the dramatic sky. Framed by a Chinese flowering crab apple(Chaenomeles sinensis), this terrace also enables one to encounter the panoramic view of the lavish mountain ranges of Fragrant Hill and Yuquan Hill, since it locates on the view corridor of the two. “The spring space”, on one side of the pool, represents the tight continuity between the different parts of the design. Utilizing the existing slope, it is designed to be an overflow pool to interpret the unifying element-water in another form. Between “the reflected sky”
and “the spring space” is the transitional area planting bamboos, serving the purpose of separating the two distinct parts, also as a buffer between the serenity and liveliness. Yet all the three part-bamboo forest, “the reflected sky” and “the spring space”, are seamlessly integrated to the harmonious elegance. The lower terrace is comprised of a recessed sitting area with fragrant flowers and a reflective pool in the shape of rectangle, at the south end of which a mirror is placed in order to extend the horizons into infinity and create the meditative atmosphere.