3.1. Participants
There are 2VILs (hereafter S1 and S2) involved in this study, both of whom are studying at two different
foundation universities in Izmir, Turkey. They bear a lot of similarities in their educational backgrounds. They both
studied at the same primary school for VILs-only in øzmir and carried on their education in regular high schools
with sighted students since there are no high schools reserved particularly for VILs in Turkey. They both started
their university education at prep classes and completed it successfully in the middle of the term. They are both
studying humanities; however, while one of them is a freshman, the other one is a sophomore. The most striking
thing which also comes to the fore as another similarity is their personality traits. Both of them are described as
intellectual, hardworking and ambitious learners. Above all, neither of them had a demand for positive
discrimination in the process of their language learning experience, which is confirmed by their teachers as well.