Hi Som, I know your father is a good man. And I know it is Thai culture to give money for family. That I understand. But April is only 3 months away. I can save 100,000 Baht per month. We have 3 months. So I can give 300,000 Baht day of wedding. And every month after give 100,000 Baht until your father has the money he asked for. And we could buy 60,000 Baht worth of Gold at time of wedding. We could be married on April 6th Sunday. Have nice time for honeymoon and good life for future. Som I know you love your father and mother very much I don't try to say bad thing about them, I only ask they sympathize with us. If your father will accept this offer than we can marry early April. If not then we have to marry later in the future. I love you my wife, please send your Email back when you can. Love, Timmy.