The 6-minute walk test (6MWT) is a valuable and practical tool to measure exercise performance on a submaximum level in children,9 reflecting activities of daily living better than any other functional walk test.10 Recently published reference values for the 6-minute walk distance (6MWD) have facilitated the use of the 6MWT in the pediatric population,11,12 with good reproducibility and validity.13-15 To date, only a few studies have used the 6MWT in overweight children and adolescents. Lower 6MWDs were reported in overweight compared with normal-weight children.16,17 Unfortunately, prospective studies on consecutive 6MWTs in overweight children are sparse, limiting comparability of treatment approaches or components.18 The aims of this study were to evaluate the significance of the 6MWT as an assessment tool in a weight reduction program and to identify possible predictors of the 6MWD in overweight children and adolescents.