A lot of people are very important and special in my life. One of them is my grandpa. I was very small when it was my summer vacation and I went with him on vacation at his place. It was after that and he became my best friend, advisor and closest colleague. Than looking at him my told me that he is her father and my grandpa. Than he took out candy from his pocket and gave it to me. Than I loose that impression of him as a stranger from my mind. Than I went to his place and had lots of fun with him. He took me out everyday. He teach me how to ride bicycle, how to not fight with friends, how to wear shoes and lots of other things. He used to carry me on his shoulders all the time and I was enjoying thinking of being taller than him. I use to steal his glasses and make him find everywhere. But he never got mad at me. I can tellhe loved me very much. By the time I was growing I was writing him and spending a lot of time with him. When I was small I was telling everyone that my grandpa is my best friend they were amazed and felt laughing. But I was just telling truth. Than chances occurred and he had to move to place where I was living. I was in high school that time. It was than when I spend aot of time with him. We went to movie to gather, we always went shopping