3. The CEO communicates high performance standards and also shows confidence in the followers’ abilities to meet these standards: The leader empowers followers by raising their beliefs in their own capabilities. No leader ever improved performance by setting easily attainable goals that provided no challenge. Communicating high expectations to others can often lead to high performance. The CEO must be willing to follow through by coaching people. As a result, employees view their work as very important and thus motivating. Ivan Seidenberg, chief executive of Verizon Communications, was closely involved in deciding Verizon’s strategic direction, and he showed his faith in his people by letting his key managers handle important projects and represent the company in public forums. “All of these people could be CEOs in their own right. They are warriors and they are on a mission,” explained Seidenberg. Grateful for his faith in them, his managers were fiercely loyal both to him and the company.