With the exception of such large towns as Swansea and Cardiff, and the districts of Wales that are close to England, children under the age of five are not generally able to speak English. They do not learn English until they commence school, when, of course, they must learn it Welsh is quite a rich language, consisting of more than 8o,ooo words. It looks very difficult to a foreigner and seems to consist mostly of consonants, among which many double l's and w's. hat would the reader do if he lived in the following village? RYCHWYRNDROBWLLLLANTYSILIOGOGOGOCH. This name means in reality: "the church of St. Mary in the valley by the white hazel bush near the whirlpool by St. Tysilio's red cave''. There is a railway station at this village, but when the train stops and the guard gets out, it is hardly necessary to explain that he does not call out the whole of the name