e have meeting last weekend.
there are many idea in my head.
what if the 2 rotary kiln with after burner system i can develop it to make steam turbine to make electric for use in the factory.
or for sale to the house neightbourhood will you interesting or not.
Because to bring back the recovery heat from NO. 1 Rotary to use with No.2 rotary kiln , we bring flue gas but the product need O2 for generate heat for self burning.
it may not help much for self firing system.
but the amount of heat from after burner of 2 kiln is great (700C) it can make steam to use with electric turbine like 600 kw or 1000 kw.
let say if we can run this factory without pay electric bill it will save you more money. good idea or not.
Yes it will come with more investment we may start from 200 kw at least it save money some.
if you interesting i will consider and learn more about it to bring your information.