festival ancient, and we design an animation according to
each poem. Scene aspect is as far as possible simple, and we
only design a scene. Colour is single but it does not break
coordination. The colour of characters and scenes can blend
together and do not appear curt. Character expression
cannot be too rich, and we mainly implement the poetry
artistic effect through the action. The plot is simple, and the
lens switch cannot be too frequent. We try to design a few
action scenes. Dubbing is plused in post-production to
achieve coherent plot and plasticity of characters, so as to
realize our ultimate goal.
Any animation works needs to highlight the distinctive
theme, so as to attract people. Our thought is artistic
conception, which can reflect the characteristics of the
characters. At the beginning of the character design, we
need to draw the characters model on the paper, and
construct a few movement characteristic. After the
preparatory work is completed, we can start modeling. The
principle is that it can show the necessary details as far as
possible and can reduce the complexity of the scene. The
material and the lights are closely connected, because of
technical reasons, our materials are mainly composed of
smooth material, using a single color. the goal of light using
is to achieve a simple shadow effect, feeling sense of main
body. Animation adjustment is a little more difficult, we
mainly use animation key frames, trajectory, time control
method to complete the concise character animation. Most
of our special effects are synthesized in synthesis software
after rendering, such already saves time and cost, and can
get better effect. The final step is to apply colours to a
drawing. A variety of effects, the material, lighting and
camera in the production of 3D will be rendered to become
a picture or video. We should keep balance in the rendering
quality and rendering time.