The United States of America is a multicultural nation. All races and cultures are almost represented in America. Considered as a nation of immigrants, this country has faced and still facing many racial issues from the Civil Right Movement till today. Racism and discrimination have always been the most discussed topics when it comes to any society problems. To understand this issue we should try to find the causes and then think of an appropriate ways to reduce them. What should government do to ensure equality of opportunity and also ensure equality of outcome, so that everyone would have the freedom to do what they want, when they want without being judge by the colors of their skin but by the outcome of their work?
“Slavery was a practice that existed in all cultures” . In Africa, for example slaves were war prisoners. They were used for the work in the farms and the plantations. They were also used for human sacrifices. Many cultures practiced slavery in the world. People were taken away from their parent and their countries and sent overseas. Crevecoeur said...