Seaports are a vital link in many supply chains and
distribution channels, particularly
those involving international trade. Europe’s compe
titiveness in the global economy
increasingly depends on an efficient and cost effec
tive transport and port system. The
Community’s port sector handles more than 90% of th
e Union’s trade with third
countries and around 30% of intra-EU traffic as wel
l as providing an essential
interface between seaborne and land-based modes of
transport (European
Commission, 1997). While it is acknowledged that th
e ports sector is not standardised
or homogeneous (the ownership, organisation, and ad
ministration of ports as well as
their size, functions and geographical location var
y from country to country), the
European Commission is keen to adopt a common appro
ach to pricing in ports so that
the real costs of port services should be borne by
the users