The cooperative was established to provide consumer goods sold to members and guests has a legal registration of cooperatives in cooperative stores. Is the corporation which each own shareholder. Voluntary members for solve the problems about to find easy way to buy consumables.
Register under the Cooperative Act in 1999, the category of cooperative stores. There is a tax in which each shareholder owns in additional investment in a cooperative voluntary to resolve the difficulties in the acquisition of consumer goods and to uphold their economic status and group.
The first cooperative formed in Rochdale, England in the year 1844. This causes the cooperative because those wages the factories have brought more people to the labor force that effect to workers and the poor have suffered. A textile factory worker, a group of 28 people meeting discussed and agreed that all savings from wages by 3 pence a week, which took almost one year and the money is 28 pounds. After that, go rent a small flat on Toad Lane store on Friday, December 21, 1844. This cooperative store is very famous because it is the first shop was established and they set up the principles of cooperatives to hold first practice which is prevalent in many countries around the world.