Part 1[edit]
—Finally, the gates of Hell have been opened.
Part 2[edit]
—[Kouen, City of Brilliant Flames], Fifth Right Wing of the Palace.
The earthquakes had brought all battles within the Palace to a standstill. The Titans were toppling over in their clusters while the Fire Dragons had also collapsed as their bodies couldn’t handle the strain of the extended periods of flight.
Even those who were far away from the volcano were able to see its re-activity and the district invaders had also started to redraw.
However, the real reason for their fear wasn’t because of the magma[1] that spewed from the volcano peak.
Kuro Usagi, who hid in the Fifth Right Wing of the Palace, was also fretfully watching the volcano that continued to erupt.
(What could this be…… there seems to be some sort of terrifying atmosphere in the air……)
Even Kuro Usagi, who had lost her divine powers, was able to sense the overwhelmingly huge power that seem to contract and stretch like a worm’s tunneling motion under the ground. The volcano that didn’t seem to have an end to its lava flow was the very semblance of the gates of hell opening above ground.
If anyone were to appear from that active volcano—it would definitely be the personification of Hell in the form of a monster that walks upon the land.
(The palace of [Salamandra] would still be fine even with the lava flowing around it……but for everyone else who are battling out there, are they really going to be okay?)
Although Kuro Usagi had lost her Usagimimi, she was still able to tell that the situation of the battle wasn’t going too well.
If only I could use the authority of [Judge Master]. Such were the regrets that were in her heart but she was unable to do anything about the situation.
Looking at the night sky that was overcast with clouds which hid the moon from view, she decided to pray for her comrades’ safety.
—Please hear my prayer and allow everyone return safely.
—Please hear my prayer and allow us to return to those happy times.
—O’ Patron god, please bestow your divine war god’s protection upon everyone.
With fingers interlaced and clasped before her, she prayed for her wishes to come true. That way, it would also make her feel more at ease.
“…..Okay! It should be alright now!”
Kuro Usagi clenched her fists before her chest in a form of self-encouragement. It is not known if it is just due to her mental state being at ease, but the earthquake seemed to have diminished in magnitude. This could have been the answer from Indra.
The overcast skies had cleared somewhat and the moon could be seen peeking from the shadows of the cloud layer—
Part 3[edit]
—Before the main doors of [Kouen City]’s Outer Wall.
Due to the eruption of the volcano, the battle at the frontlines were momentarily paused. And this isn’t the work of someone’s order.
The Fire Dragons, the veteran warriors or even the Titans, everyone had frozen in their attacks as they watch the magma spew out of the huge peak. Whether they were of the Titans or even the veteran monsters, they would still meet the same end when caught by the lava flow. The only ones who might be able to survive would be the large sized Fire Dragons. The Titans, who were hemmed between the waves and the oncoming lava, had already fallen into disarray as they realize that they are surrounded, creating the perfect opportunity to be struck down.
Asuka had also stopped in her tracks as she wanted to have a better look at the battle situation that continued to be filled with unpredictability.
And it was just then that she sensed the change—
A chill that travelled down her spine.
There didn’t seem to be anything special happening around her but just that chilly sensation along her back. However, it wasn’t a typical chill. It would be more accurately described as the unpleasantness of an icy caress of a Death God’s hand that ran down her back
Similarly, Kouryuu, the Demon Lord of Confusion, Percher and Graiya had turned to fix their sights on the volcano.
“……what was that just now?”
In the midst of the battle, Kouryuu thoughts, on the strategies to capture the Demon Lord of Confusion who was now in the possession of Sandra’s body, were halted.
It was neither a sensation of animosity or oppressiveness.
If one had to put a thumb on it— it would be the sensation of an instinctive reflex of an over-sensitive deer lifting its head in reaction to a lion’s approach.
(What…… is happening……?!)
Unconsciously, Kouryuu’s hands which held the rod were already soaked with his perspiration. He, who had experienced hundreds of battles, was currently experiencing an unprecedented sense of threat that just couldn’t be put into words. Planning to trace the source of the sensation, he closed his eyes to focus upon the active volcano. However, he was unable to find any large sources of spiritual power at the active volcano; hence, he increased the radius to start tracing the residue of the spiritual power.
The formless oppressive sense of presence that is in control of this area……
“…… is in the sky……!”
Almost simultaneously, Yō at the interior area of the palace had also traced the source of the presence. When it came to the skill of scouting, her powers could be ranked at the top few. Having discovered the source of the threat much earlier than Kouryuu, Yō had already turned her gaze skyward. Using her eyes which glinted in the dark, similar to the nocturnal predatory birds, to search the cloud cover. To find the exact location took no time at all.
Because the culprit, did not even bother to hide itself.
Seeming like an attempt to fill up the gap created in the dark and densely overcast skies, the hazy view of the moon had appeared. And a small figure could be seen extending its wings while having the yellowish moonlight draped across its back like a cloak
The figure that had its back facing the moonlight was pure white from head to toe and it had unfurled its crooked wings, which did not seem to have been the result of a natural selection process. Moreover, there was no dragon of that form that could be found within the phylogenetic tree.
(Pureblood dragons do not exist within the Phylogenetic tree…… But is there really such a living creature……?)
Ruby red eyes that seem to shine like a star of omens[2] in the night.
The strange looking trio of heads had stakes hammered through the top of their skulls which exited through their lower jaws.
The trio of heads that had six eyes in total were sufficient to snuff out any courage in their enemies. It neither had a biological function nor did it have a symbolic meaning to increase its mysteriousness. One can only guess that it is a form chosen to invoke a physiological aversion that would progress into fear in all who see it.
Despite being a length of about three meters— that indescribable oppressive pressure was way above that of the huge dragon.
(I can’t be wrong about this…… It’s definitely the strongest type. And it is stronger than the huge dragon!)
The three headed dragon hovered in the air above [Kouen City] while looking down upon the city with its six eyes.
Each of those individual heads were looking down in a different location in an attempt to get a grasp on the current situation. And that move clearly confirmed everyone’s query— this monster possessed intelligence.
Moving the heads independently and repeating the action of tilting those heads a few more times—-The three headed dragon extended its wings by a few folds and started to fan them.
The three headed dragon fanned its wings effortlessly—Instantaneously sweeping the dark clouds that had been covering the night sky and causing the veil of the night sky to be blown aside.
“—This is bad! Willa, run now!”
“Eh?” Willa tilted her head but sadly, it was all too late.
The casual fanning of the wings by the three headed dragon caused the sea of clouds to split into halves before being dispersed. The impact that shook the very atmosphere became waves of vibration that caused the starlight to be distorted. That same shockwave had also transformed into two huge tornadoes that swept towards the City area, causing the wall of seawater flow created by Kouryuu to be destroyed in an instant.