Dear Business Partners,
RÖHM has decided to overwork the prices of our Standard Catalogue Items.
With that measure we like to increase Sales quantities and to win market-share back in the Standard Product Range.
As you know it from previous years, RÖHM has adjusted annually the List Prices linearly.
An overwork of List Prices will be necessary in order to reposition RÖHM against competitors within the standard range.
Therefore we will grant and invoice to you as Representative and Sales Agent new Net Prices for pre-selected Catalogue items (estimated validity from 20.10.2014 till 31.12.2015).
Please see attachment column F. These items will be handled as a special net price condition (also available for purchase orders through the Web-Shop).
For all other catalogue List price items which are not included within attached file you will be charged according existing List Price less your discount.
All other special net prices are herewith no further valid.
Our target is to immediately re-work our List pricing of further catalogue items as well as the discount structures.
Please do not see these measures as a disadvantage but as a chance to re-position us together against the competitors.
For any questions please do not hesitate to contact your Sales Persons in Röhm.
We wish you good success on your further selling efforts.