„I came, but also please have put my younger sister, has any matter to come to me, you did not feel that the method was too mean.” Qin Qing knits the brows said again.
„You, since dares to kill my Leng Family person, why I cannot kill your family member.” The sound that the old person sneers makes the human have the firing in bursts to be cold.
„Your such method unconsciously was too shameless, how Leng Family said that was also a respected family, is known used such method to be laughed.” Qin Qing angry like overrunning, but held on by Qing Shui.
„Mean? The method is unimportant, finally is most important, wants to make your younger sister live is complying with my matter, otherwise you gather up dead bodies to her!” Smiling that the old person disdains.
„I must see my younger sister, otherwise I am unable to believe you.” Qin Qing is very sane.
The old person claps with a smile: „Leads her to come out!”
The quick two people bring Qin Ying to come out, when Qing Shui and Qin Qing see Qin Ying, saw that her temple sends scattered in disorder, both eyes are atheistic, the body clothes are disorderly, are scarred
Qing Shui has not thought time that two days are not, a flower season young girl turned into so the appearance unexpectedly, she experienced anything.
„Ying” Qin Qing sees shouting that Qin Ying shivers.
Qin Ying gains ground, atheistic both eyes see Qin Qing and Qing Shui, does not have the too big joy, then has a look at the surrounding person: „Elder sister, revenges to me, revenges to me, they are the animals.”
A wisp of blood from the corners of the mouth overflow of Qin Ying, is opening the eyes, looks at Qin Qing that an eye does not die content.
This time accident no one has thought that even if the Leng Family person has not thought that they also want to coerce the Qin Qing little darling to obey with Qin Ying, has not thought that Qin Ying saw after the family member, extricated.
„Elder sister, revenges to me, revenges to me”
The Qin Qing body shivers is very fierce, Qing Shui holds her hand also to be opened, her both eyes turned into the blood red completely, the monster different scared.
„Elder Sister Qing!”
Qing Shui is also very angry, the anger soars to the heavens, Qin Ying is the Qin Qing younger sister, in the Qing Shui heart is his sister, but he noticed that the Qin Qing present appearance discovered Qin Qing does not suit very much.
This a little looks like the omen that overstated.
Qin Qing moved, a strength strolling whole body of rupturing, Qing Shui feeling her strength increases greatly, doubled compared with before continues, the long sword in hand dodges delimits two to intercept her person directly.
Qing Shui moved along with Qin Qing, in midair move monster beast, but he has put out Golden War Halberd.
These person of damn, Qing Shui is not first time fights with Qin Qing, beforehand Qin Qing gets rid to calculate absolutely on benevolent, like her said that only kills this person of killing, but she starts now frigidly, only strove for killing the enemy.
„Has killed her to me!” The old person wields a sword, then first welcomed to Qin Qing.