Staff : Good Morning, madame,
may I help you ?
Customer : Yes, I need some relax and some massage that make me feel better.
Staff : Well, we have Thai massage and oil massage . What kind of service are you prefer?
Customer : I will try oil massage.
Staff : Ok, Please change into this blouse and remove your jewelry. I will be waiting outside of the room.
Customer : OK, I'm ready.
Staff : Please lay down on the bed and relax. Are you allergic to any specific products?
Customer : No. I can try any products.
Staff : Would you like me to concentrate on any area?
Customer : Yes, I have hurt on my hip and my back.
Staff : Would you like me to mind of any area?
Customer : No, but I have some problem with my feet. Please touch it softly.
Staff : Ok, How are you feeling? If you are uncomfortable, please let me know.
Customer : Sure, I feel more comfort right now
Staff : Please lay down on your left side.
Customer : Ok
Staff : Please lay down on your right side.
Customer : Ok.
Staff : Finished
Customer : Oh, I absolutely thank you. Do you have me any advice for next time?
Staff : Yes, before you getting a massage, Please drink a lots of water for your health and avoid showering immediately and after massage. I hope to see you soon. Thank