Exercise 2 In this exercise you will record the resting ECG signal from other members of your group. Procedure 1. Attach the electrodes to the new subject. 2. With the subject sitting quietly, click start again. When you have a trace without movement artifacts, type "Resting ECG' and the subject's name and enter the cornment. 3. Click Stop. 4. Repeat for all other students in the group. Analysis Compare the duration and amplitude of the P waves, QRS complexes and T waves between those in your group and with other members of the class. Record your results in the Table. To Measure Waveform Amplitude: 1. Drag the Marker to the lowest point of the waveform before each of the peaks of interest. 2. Move the Waveform Cursor to the peak, to the right of the Marker, and click. 3. Drag the number from the ECG Value panel into the appropriate Amplitude column of the table. To Measure Waveform Duration: 1. Leave the Marker on the lowest point of the waveform before a peak. 2. Move the Waveform Cursor to the lowest point following the waveform, and click. 3. Drag the number from the Time Value panel into the appropriate column the table.
Exercise 3 You will measure and correlate the ECG and heart sounds in a resting volunteer Using a Stethoscope The stethoscope bell is better than the dia for this exercise because it blocks off room noise. It still helps if everyone tries to keep the noise down. Your instructor will briefly demonstrate how to use the stethoscope. The volunteer should place the bell of the stethoscope on the left side of their chest, using the hand. (t is easy enough to do this under one's shirt. The stethoscope should be moved to different positions until the student listening to the stethoscope hears clear heart sounds. The sounds are and room noise must be kept low. Once clear heart sounds are heard, the volunteer should hold the stethoscope in place with the right hand while the student listening to the stethoscope listens and records. 1. start to record the ECG, and press the p switch on hearing lub and release it on Click dub 2. After a few heart beat cycles, click Stop 02016 ADInstruments Analysis To make it easier to compare the recordings in the two channels, the LabTutor panel has been of et to the recordings With the Channel Trace buttons you can select which the two channels is 'active' the panel 1. Note the correlation between Event and ECG signals. time 2. Using the Marker and Waveform Cursor, follow the instructions below to measure the between the peak of the R wave and the Event signal going high. 1. Select the ECG channel as active. 2. Place the Marker on the R wave. 3. Select the Event channel as active. signal going high. 4. Use the waveform cursor and select the Event 5. Insert this time into the table Event signal going low. 3. Now measure the time between the peak of the T wave and the 1. Select the ECG channel as active. 2. Place the Marker on the T wave 3, Select the Event channel as active. low. 4. Use the waveform cursor and select the Event signal going 5. Insert this time into the table
2 การออกกำลังกายในแบบฝึกหัดนี้ คุณจะบันทึกสัญญาณคลื่นไฟฟ้าหัวใจขณะพักจากสมาชิกคนอื่น ๆ ของกลุ่ม ขั้นตอนที่ 1 แนบขั้วไฟฟ้ากับเรื่องใหม่ 2. กับเรื่องที่นั่งเงียบ ๆ คลิกเริ่มต้นอีกครั้ง เมื่อคุณมีการสืบค้นกลับ โดยไม่มีการเคลื่อนย้ายวัตถุ พิมพ์ " Resting ECG' และ เรื่องของชื่อ และป้อนการ cornment 3. คลิก Stop 4. ทำซ้ำสำหรับนักเรียนคนอื่น ๆ ในกลุ่มนี้ วิเคราะห์เปรียบเทียบระยะเวลาและคลื่นของคลื่น P, QRS คอมเพล็กซ์ และคลื่น T ระหว่างคน ในกลุ่ม และสมาชิกของคลาส บันทึกผลในตาราง การวัดรูปคลื่นคลื่น: 1. ลากเครื่องหมายไปยังจุดต่ำสุดของรูปคลื่นก่อนยอดน่าสนใจแต่ละ 2. ย้ายเคอร์เซอร์รูปคลื่นสูงสุด ทางด้านขวาของเครื่องหมาย และคลิก 3. ลากหมายเลขจากแผง ECG ค่าลงในคอลัมน์คลื่นที่เหมาะสมของตาราง การวัดรูปคลื่นระยะเวลา: 1 ทิ้งเครื่องหมายจุดต่ำสุดของรูปคลื่นก่อนสูงสุด 2. ย้ายเคอร์เซอร์รูปคลื่นไปตามรูปคลื่นจุดต่ำสุด จาก นั้นคลิก 3. ลากหมายเลขจากแผงค่าเวลาลงในตารางคอลัมน์ที่เหมาะสมExercise 3 You will measure and correlate the ECG and heart sounds in a resting volunteer Using a Stethoscope The stethoscope bell is better than the dia for this exercise because it blocks off room noise. It still helps if everyone tries to keep the noise down. Your instructor will briefly demonstrate how to use the stethoscope. The volunteer should place the bell of the stethoscope on the left side of their chest, using the hand. (t is easy enough to do this under one's shirt. The stethoscope should be moved to different positions until the student listening to the stethoscope hears clear heart sounds. The sounds are and room noise must be kept low. Once clear heart sounds are heard, the volunteer should hold the stethoscope in place with the right hand while the student listening to the stethoscope listens and records. 1. start to record the ECG, and press the p switch on hearing lub and release it on Click dub 2. After a few heart beat cycles, click Stop 02016 ADInstruments Analysis To make it easier to compare the recordings in the two channels, the LabTutor panel has been of et to the recordings With the Channel Trace buttons you can select which the two channels is 'active' the panel 1. Note the correlation between Event and ECG signals. time 2. Using the Marker and Waveform Cursor, follow the instructions below to measure the between the peak of the R wave and the Event signal going high. 1. Select the ECG channel as active. 2. Place the Marker on the R wave. 3. Select the Event channel as active. signal going high. 4. Use the waveform cursor and select the Event 5. Insert this time into the table Event signal going low. 3. Now measure the time between the peak of the T wave and the 1. Select the ECG channel as active. 2. Place the Marker on the T wave 3, Select the Event channel as active. low. 4. Use the waveform cursor and select the Event signal going 5. Insert this time into the table
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