numerical methods is adopted herein for validating the present method.
In this study, the value of h/a0 equaling to 1.16 is adopted
in the following analysis
Figs. 4–6 show the comparative results for the structure with
ε = 0.05 and nr = 2, 3, 4, respectively. The analytical method de
veloped by Mansour is valid for the perturbation value of ε within
the range of (0, 0.05]. Beyond this range, Mansour suggested using the numerical method. As shown in these figures, the maximum dimensionless wave force is increased with the increase of ka0 and
then decreased. The analytical solution of the Mansour method can effectively match the numerical simulation. However, when
ka0 > 2.5, the discrepancy becomes relatively large, especially for the case of nr = 4. For the wave run-up, the analytical solutions of
Mansour exhibit some large errors compared to the numerical
results when ka0 becomes large. However, the comparison shows that the analytical results of the present method are in good
agreement with the numerical results.
For a larger value of ε, comparisons were also conducted to