After participants had given their consent to take part in the study, they answered the
EDE-Q and the EDI-2 in a paper and pencil format. Since we chose a within-subjects
design, each participant underwent both the PE (experimental) and the RN (control)
condition. The two conditions PE and RN were each conducted on a separate day. Before
and after PE and RN, the ‘Photo Distortion Technique’ was applied, followed by the state
questionnaires BISS and MQ. Thus, in the whole experimental procedure, each participant
underwent the ‘Photo Distortion Technique’ and answered the state questionnaires four
times. In order to test for possible sequence effects due to the repeated application of the
‘Photo Distortion Technique’ or answering the state questionnaires, we chose a cross-over
design. The participants were randomly allocated to one of the two groups (group 1: first
PE, then RN; group 2: first RN, thenPE).