Hi aunty. This is the first time I write to you because I think you have made a bad decision on oum.
How could you handover the entire life of oum to a BOY who still studying, has never work before, never go in society, never know the importance of money and never know the responsibility to take care family. Look around you, how many couple who get marry at 16-17 years old would stay together for the rest of their life? Most of them ended up having babies and divorce. I do not mean to offense but just look at yourself and a bum. There are thousands of Thai ladies who work in pub and massage at Malaysia already divorced have babies at Thailand. Many of them married at young age 15-20 then husband follow other lady, and do not take care of them. They run from immigration, get caught put in jail, change name then come back work again - same like a bum. People at here look down on them, do not respect them because of their "work" (sell body or do dirty massage). Do you want oum become same like them?
I promised a Jum I will support oum study cost until she finish university. The world is so big, there are so many things that she hasn't seen. People at Bangkok, Singapore, Malaysia, Young girls make more than 100k baht every month because they have knowledge. They complete their study and found good job. She has a very good chance to improve her life. Finish university, work in a bank in a city, live with honor and respect. Getting good salary from job that she can be proud. Get marry with someone who already has a stable job, someone who mature enough who can really take care her and her babies. But if she get marry now, she can say goodbye to this.
One bad decision can destroy her life. And you can never undo it. Just like a bum. I will say again I do not agree this. Please reconsider your decision.
I apologize if my word offend you or oum. But I must tell you my opinion because this is a decision that affect oum whole life.