Health and longevity have increased substantially over the last 50 years, yet the labor force participation
of older men has declined in most developed countries. We use mortality as a measure of health to
assess the capacity to work at older ages in 12 OECD countries. For a given level of mortality, the
employment rates of older workers vary substantially across countries and over time within countries.
At each mortality rate in 2007, if American men between the ages of 55 and 69 had worked as much
as American men in 1977 they would have worked an additional 3.7 years between ages 55 and 69.
That is, men in this age range in 2007 would have had to work 46.8 percent more to work as much
as men with the same mortality worked thirty years earlier in 1977. Comparing across countries, at
each mortality rate in 2007, to match the work of American men, French men for example would have
to work 4.6 years more between the ages 55 to 69 than they actually did work. We also find that there
is little relationship across countries between mortality improvements and the change in employment
at older ages.
Health and longevity have increased substantially over the last 50 years, yet the labor force participationof older men has declined in most developed countries. We use mortality as a measure of health toassess the capacity to work at older ages in 12 OECD countries. For a given level of mortality, theemployment rates of older workers vary substantially across countries and over time within countries.At each mortality rate in 2007, if American men between the ages of 55 and 69 had worked as muchas American men in 1977 they would have worked an additional 3.7 years between ages 55 and 69.That is, men in this age range in 2007 would have had to work 46.8 percent more to work as muchas men with the same mortality worked thirty years earlier in 1977. Comparing across countries, ateach mortality rate in 2007, to match the work of American men, French men for example would haveto work 4.6 years more between the ages 55 to 69 than they actually did work. We also find that thereis little relationship across countries between mortality improvements and the change in employmentat older ages.
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