2.2. Research design
An experimental site was set up in 2009 encompassing an area
of approximately 2.2 ha (360 m long and 60 m wide). Three
treatments including two designs of Melaleuca fencing in
association with planting mangroves and a control site were
established (Fig. 3). The design was innovatively developed based
on the local work and experience of using simple timber fences to
prevent erosion along river/canal banks in both fresh and sea water
situations. Constructed wave barrier aimed to reduce wave height
and partly trap sediment in the erosion area while silt trap fence
was designed to trap the mud behind the wave barrier or in the
depositional areas.
We constructed the fences using poles with different diameters
and lengths of Melaleuca (M. cajuputi) – a dominant native tree on
seasonal inundated acid sulphate soils in the Mekong Delta