Later in January 2015, she admitted that she and her younger siblings sneaked out of the camp on 8 Jan to go to see the mother. She said that she knew the way how to go there but when they arrived to Ban Bor, the police with some Karen speaking man stopped them and asked where they were going and she answered them they were going to see the In February 2015, she said that her brother was fetched by the mother and step-father and he is now working outside. He used to call the father and said that he would send the money but when he did not send, the father was upset because he did not get the money. The father borrowed 1,000 baht from a friend as he thought child 1 would send the money; he used for his drinks for 400, gave her 100, and repaid his debt 500. When the father got the number of the mother, he called the mother while he was drunk and he swore and scolded her over the phone. The father also worried that the mother might keep child 1 from coming back to the camp. The mother later told them that the employer does not want them to come and stay with her anymore since they were afraid of the father that he might come and create a problematic situation at their work place. The mother has stopped sending money through aunt Pra and the father is also drinking more and more lately. When asked, she said that although she would like to visit the mother, the father does not like it but when he was drunk, he would ask them to go to the mother at once. She said that when they did not have enough rice at home, she has to borrow from aunt Pra but she hardly came to see them these days.