three potent cellulolytic bacterial cultures were
screened out for further studies. Characterization of the
cultures was done at morphological, biochemical and
molecular levels. Based on molecular characterization,
the cultures were identified and named as Achromobacter
xylosoxidans BSS4 (GenBank Accession No. JQ 407052),
Bacillussp. BSS3 (GenBank Accession No. JQ 407051)
and Pseudomonas sp. BSS2 (GenBank Accession No. JQ
407050).Pseudomonas sp. BSS2 was obtained from the
wood bark of water-logged wood, while Bacillussp.
BSS3 and A. xylosoxidansBSS4 were isolated from the
bark of the woods kept partially immersed in the river
bank. No potent cellulolytic isolates were obtained from
other samples like sawdust and sludge collected.