I'm white and I think it's time I cleared things up for some people. What I am about to say is not racist. It is mere preference.
I have dated four white girls and two Asian girls. Out of the two Asians (one Thai and one Vietnamese), I am still great friends with both. I am only friends with one of the white girls.
Asian tend to be loving, caring, intelligent, and an added bonus--cute.
For me, all of the white girls I have dated have specifically and without fail lacked in an area vital to me--intelligence. I felt as though simple conversation about scientific or mathematical matters could not occur. With Asian girls, such talk was commonplace.
And the other luring thing about Asian girls is the exotic style and beauty of them--this word is used often (exotic) to describe them as seen from the views of a white man.
I also feel that my attraction to them could also be caused by my genes. My genes are looking for variation. What better way to do so than to mate outside of my racial gene pool? Though this isn't all of it, I feel this plays a significant role in my attraction to Asians.
I feel this will not change things for other races: there are plenty of Asian girls to go around and there are plenty of white men to go around. On that note, it is important to understand the significant rise in the number of Asian girls with white men.
It is commonplace now