When I have a chance to get a scholarship , I chose go to Taiwan because it is a country of my dreams that I want to go here once of the time in my life. It is a beautiful country and achieved both the economy and education. It makes me excited every time when I think that I am going to Taiwan for student exchange.
I want to study about the health promotion , environmental management , different culture and different food .
I want to learn a new language and I hope that I can improve my language skills andgive experiences more than in classroom and able to cope with diverse problems and situations.
experience a different education system than my country and meet new friends, who can share interest and new idea and
I hope that it is unforgettable experience in my life.
I think the study abroad will help develop my skills of english and give experiences more than in classroom and able to cope with diverse problems and situations.
It's an opportunity to discover new thing