where ySolvent and xSolvent are the mass fractions of solvent in the
gaseous phase and liquid phase respectively, yi,Solvent is the mass
fractions of component i (solvent basis) in the gaseous phase and
xi,Solvent the mass fractions of component i (solvent basis) dissolved
in the liquid phase. In general, the sum of the mass or mole fractions
of all the components computed by gas chromatography is
always smaller than 1. This problem was also reported by Stoldt
[7]. It is, therefore, necessary to normalize the weight fractions of
component i using the relations as follows.
where ySolvent and xSolvent are the mass fractions of solvent in thegaseous phase and liquid phase respectively, yi,Solvent is the massfractions of component i (solvent basis) in the gaseous phase andxi,Solvent the mass fractions of component i (solvent basis) dissolvedin the liquid phase. In general, the sum of the mass or mole fractionsof all the components computed by gas chromatography isalways smaller than 1. This problem was also reported by Stoldt[7]. It is, therefore, necessary to normalize the weight fractions ofcomponent i using the relations as follows.
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