4.4 Research question 4: What are students’ attitudes toward CBLI?
According to the interview results, most participants hold positive attitudes toward the teaching of explicit reading
comprehension strategies to facilitate their reading comprehension. For example, 13 out of 15 interviewees (86%)
reported that content-based instruction helped them comprehend the content of the stories with fewer difficulties. The
major reason is that students used to look up the unknown words in the dictionary when reading, but now they realize
how to use different types of cues to acquire the meanings of unfamiliar words, such as analyzing words into various
components from their roots, affixes, and suffixes, or figuring out word meanings based on their sound. Besides,
students used to focus on grammar and sentence structure when reading, but now they know how to use contextual
clues to read for general gist and main idea, not for details. Students even learn how to use information in the text to
predict upcoming information to better comprehend the content of the story after teaching the reading strategies.
According to students’ perceptions, the results suggest that students’ reading comprehension is improved through the
teaching of explicit reading comprehension strategies.
Furthermore, 14 out of 15 interviewees (93%) agreed that a variety of activities done in the literature course helped
them comprehend the story, lowered their anxiety, and gave them more confidence to finish reading the whole story. To
illustrate more specifically, some participants expressed that they enjoyed the activities done in the literature class,
especially doing the scrambling exercise for The Sick Rose. From the process of problem solving, students had a clear
framework of the poem. Besides, the implied meaning of the poem and the author’s point of view and tone were
understood through the activity. Besides, students felt that the activity, such as watching a movie after reading
approximately half of the short stories not only clarified and reinforced the main idea of the story, but also lowered their
anxiety of heavy-load reading, so that they had more confidence to finish and understand the story by themselves. To
sum up, the results show that students’ reading comprehension is improved through a variety of activities done in the
literature class.
In addition, it is found that some of the techniques characterizing sheltered instruction model of CBLI enhance students’
reading comprehension and content understanding. Most students felt that the techniques the teacher used for lecture
delivery helped them comprehend the story. Those techniques included slower speech, using simple sentence structure,
building background knowledge to connect with students’ learning experiences, and comprehensible inputs. Besides the
gains on students’ reading comprehension through the teaching of explicit reading comprehension strategies,
comprehensible inputs, and a variety of activities done in the literature class, many psychological and pedagogical
benefits, e.g., gaining critical thinking, self-confidence, high motivation, and low anxiety, are also found based on
students’ feedback.
Though most subjects hold positive attitudes toward the utilization of CBLI, there are still some voices against such an
instruction. For example, some minority students reported that it is time-consuming when the complex core concepts
were introduced in English. Those complex core concepts should be explained in Chinese with few words, but it might
take more time for teachers to use different expressions to make students understand in English. In conclusion, a small
group of students are against using CBLI because it is time-consuming to deliver some complex concepts in English
instead of Chinese language.
4.4 Research question 4: What are students’ attitudes toward CBLI?
According to the interview results, most participants hold positive attitudes toward the teaching of explicit reading
comprehension strategies to facilitate their reading comprehension. For example, 13 out of 15 interviewees (86%)
reported that content-based instruction helped them comprehend the content of the stories with fewer difficulties. The
major reason is that students used to look up the unknown words in the dictionary when reading, but now they realize
how to use different types of cues to acquire the meanings of unfamiliar words, such as analyzing words into various
components from their roots, affixes, and suffixes, or figuring out word meanings based on their sound. Besides,
students used to focus on grammar and sentence structure when reading, but now they know how to use contextual
clues to read for general gist and main idea, not for details. Students even learn how to use information in the text to
predict upcoming information to better comprehend the content of the story after teaching the reading strategies.
According to students’ perceptions, the results suggest that students’ reading comprehension is improved through the
teaching of explicit reading comprehension strategies.
Furthermore, 14 out of 15 interviewees (93%) agreed that a variety of activities done in the literature course helped
them comprehend the story, lowered their anxiety, and gave them more confidence to finish reading the whole story. To
illustrate more specifically, some participants expressed that they enjoyed the activities done in the literature class,
especially doing the scrambling exercise for The Sick Rose. From the process of problem solving, students had a clear
framework of the poem. Besides, the implied meaning of the poem and the author’s point of view and tone were
understood through the activity. Besides, students felt that the activity, such as watching a movie after reading
approximately half of the short stories not only clarified and reinforced the main idea of the story, but also lowered their
anxiety of heavy-load reading, so that they had more confidence to finish and understand the story by themselves. To
sum up, the results show that students’ reading comprehension is improved through a variety of activities done in the
literature class.
In addition, it is found that some of the techniques characterizing sheltered instruction model of CBLI enhance students’
reading comprehension and content understanding. Most students felt that the techniques the teacher used for lecture
delivery helped them comprehend the story. Those techniques included slower speech, using simple sentence structure,
building background knowledge to connect with students’ learning experiences, and comprehensible inputs. Besides the
gains on students’ reading comprehension through the teaching of explicit reading comprehension strategies,
comprehensible inputs, and a variety of activities done in the literature class, many psychological and pedagogical
benefits, e.g., gaining critical thinking, self-confidence, high motivation, and low anxiety, are also found based on
students’ feedback.
Though most subjects hold positive attitudes toward the utilization of CBLI, there are still some voices against such an
instruction. For example, some minority students reported that it is time-consuming when the complex core concepts
were introduced in English. Those complex core concepts should be explained in Chinese with few words, but it might
take more time for teachers to use different expressions to make students understand in English. In conclusion, a small
group of students are against using CBLI because it is time-consuming to deliver some complex concepts in English
instead of Chinese language.
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