Your assignment is to make a one-page document giving some information about yourself. The following requirement must be met:
1” top and bottom margins, 0.7” left and right margins.
2 Use at least two different fonts in your document.
3 Use at least two different font sizes (one of them must be 12).
4 Insert two pieces of clipart or pictures.
5 Use Borders and Shading somewhere in the document.
6 Use bold, italics and underline somewhere in the document.
7 Place your name at the top right in font size 10.
8 Use WordArt for the title of your document. Center the title.
9 Use a bulleted list and a numbered list in your document.
10 Insert a table (at least 2x2) in your document with background color.
Bonus Points: for the clarity of your document (fonts that are not hard to read)