Our life returned to its usual pattern, but i did not forget the count fosco. i discovered that he had rented his house in st john's wood for another six months, so i was fairly sure he would still be in london, within my reach, when the time came to act.
we finally solved the puzzle of who anne catherrick's father was. when i went agin to see mrs clements and to tell her about Anne's death,she remembered where mrs Catherrick had worked as a servant.Her employer had been a Mr Donthorne.
We wrote to Mr donthorne, who replied with some very interesing information. Philip fairlie, Laura's father,had been a great friend of his when they were young,and a frequent house guest. He was a handsome man and fond of female company.Mr Donthorne was fairly certain that philip fairlie had been staying at his house when Mrs catherick was employed as a servant,in the year before Anne was born
When Marian and I checked the dates; and when we took into account the fact that laura looked very much like her father, we were in no doubt that here was the solution. Philip Fairlie was Ann's Father,and so Anne was Laura's half-sister
Now, at last,the woman in white,that strange sad shadow walking in the loneliness of the night,could rest in peace.