Hello Prawit,
Due to some technical issues, you might have already received this email. If so, you can disregard this message.
Below is your Cypress Employee number and initials. Remember them and save them. Your initials will allow you to access various Cypress tools. Instructions on Cypress tools will be sent once the merger has been completed. If you were a Cypress employee before, please let us know. We will need to reactivate your previous Cypress's initials. If the primary format (which is the first 2 letters of Firstname and the first 2 letters of Lastname) produces duplicates with another person's initials or is considered offensive, Cypress will use alternative schemes to produce your initials.
Cypress EE # : 1232014
EE Name : Prawit Jamnian
Cypress Initials : PRJA
You must continue to use Spansion's NTID and Employee number to access Spansion tools until all Spansion and Cypress system integrations are completed.
If you have any questions, contact HRISServices@spansion.com.