Nevertheless, as a part of traffic management scenario, a high-occupancy vehicle
scheme has been applied for private cars in recent years in selected area at selected time,and will be extended to some other areas. Under this scheme, only private cars with more than three passengers are allowed to access the facility. However, this scheme is not
without problems and needs a high effort of enforcement. During the recent economic
crisis, low income society in Jakarta saw this measure as a means of generating income.
Nevertheless, as a part of traffic management scenario, a high-occupancy vehicle
scheme has been applied for private cars in recent years in selected area at selected time,and will be extended to some other areas. Under this scheme, only private cars with more than three passengers are allowed to access the facility. However, this scheme is not
without problems and needs a high effort of enforcement. During the recent economic
crisis, low income society in Jakarta saw this measure as a means of generating income.
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