The dynamic analysis of affects of government spending and revenue on debt-to-GDP ratio and other
macroeconomic variables through Vector Autoregressive (VAR) model is also the part of this study for period
1971-2008. To examine the transmission of innovations in government spending, impulse response functions
are estimated for five following variables which include government spending per capita, GDP per capita,
consumption per capita, debt-to-GDP ratio, interest rate and exchange rate. The consumption and output
reacts negatively to the innovations in government spending. The interest rates increase with expansionary
fiscal spending. The exchange rate tends to appreciate as a result of rise in government spending. The positive
response of shock towards tax and negative response towards debt refers to the situation of its similarity with
Ricardian behavior. An increase in tax revenue shows a probability of reduction in future government
liabilities. On other hand, an increased government debt causes a decrease in the present value of future