To deal with the threat of laptop theft, employees should be trained to always lock their laptops to an immovable object. This is necessary even when in the office, as there have been cases where thieves disguised as cleaning as cleaning crews have stolen laptops and other equipment during working hours. In addition, and special data should be stored only on removable media, not the hard drive, and special care should be taken to restrict access to the removable storage media. Several government research labs, including Los Alamos, Sandia, and Lawrence Livermore, have had to suspend work because of the disappearance or theft of such removable media containing classified information. Consequently, because of the possibility of theft, security experts suggest that any confidential or sensitive data be encrypted during storage to minimize the likelihood that a thief will be able to access it. Some organizations are also installing special software on laptops so that if one is stolen, it will automatically dial a toll-free number and reveal its current location when the thief attempts to use it to connect to the Internet.