It is observed that there is no difference between the teaching attitudes of pre-service mathematics
teachers enrolled in the senior grade of the program of Primary Mathematics Education and those who are
about to complete teaching formation courses. Besides, pre-service teachers who are graduates- to-be of
Primary Mathematics Education had higher mean scores than those who take teaching formation courses in
the sub-dimension of harmony. According to the research study by Şimşek (2005) students enrolled in the
Faculty of Education had a more positive attitude towards teaching and professional requirements than the
students of the Faculty of Science and Letters, which supports this finding. Moreover, Sürücü (1997)
concludes that pre-service teachers who are going to be employed in elementary education have a more
positive attitude than the others (cited in Bulut and Doğar, 2006). When the target group of elementary
students is taken into consideration, this finding can be evaluated as positive.
concluded that teacher training high schools and other types of high schools are equally influential in
guiding students to the profession of teaching. When the fact that teacher training high schools are founded
with the aim of preparing students motivationally and cognitively for the profession of teaching is taken into
account, it can be concluded that this aim is not supported by the finding. This finding goes paralel with the
research findings by Eraslan and Çakıcı (2011) and Şimşek (2005). In the context of the fact that there are so
many types of high schools, it might be a good idea to review the status of teacher training high schools.