Table 3 shows the proximate chemical composition of the four
types of MMP analyzed, elaborated with the different GB types. The
MMP1 presented significantly lower moisture and protein contents
(p < 0.05), whereas MMP3 and MMP4 showed the lowest fat content
(p < 0.05). The MMP2 presented the significantly highest fat
value (p < 0.05). The caloric value of the four types of MMP studied
differs significantly among them and ranged between 250 and
312 kcal/100 g product.
Fatty acid profiles in the four types of MMP assessed are shown
in Table 4. The quantitatively most important FAs were C16:0 and
C18:0 among the SFA, and C18:1n9 between the MUFA. The results
for the four types of MMPwere consistent with those obtained
for the corresponding GB used in their elaboration. The MMP3
showed the lowest content of C16:0 and C18:0 and the highest one
of C18:1n9. It was not detected any trans-FA content in the four
types of MMP. The essential fatty acid C18:2n6 was found in
higher proportion in MMP3 than in MMP4, and it was two times
higher than in MMP1 and MMP2. Our results show that the sums of
the 3 families of FAs followed similar trends to those found in the
corresponding types of GB used in their elaboration. Comparatively,
MMP3 showed the lowest proportion of SFA and the highest of
The fat qualitywas evaluated through the relationships between
the three families of fatty acids (Fig. 1). Comparatively, the highest
values of (MUFA þ PUFA)/SFA and PUFA/SFA were obtained in
MMP3 and MMP4.
Fig. 1 also provides information about the fat quality from the
four MMP through different indexes: AI, TI and H/H. These values
differed significantly between the four MMP due to the type of GB
used in their preparation. Comparatively, the MMP3 and MMP4
showed the lowest values of AI and IT and the highest of H/H.
The sensory analysis results of the four MMP analyzed are
presented in Fig. 2. On a scale of 1e9, all samples obtained an
overall acceptability over 7. Any significant differences between the