Ideation and organizing structures. Ideation and organizing structures is related to the
structures and systems that successful innovation requires. This includes the generation,
development, and implementation of innovations, and the ways how the work tasks of
the organization are organized. Bessant (2003) highlights the importance of the ability to
create consistency between innovation values and behavior and the organizational
context (structures, procedures, etc.), as well as the ability to move innovative activity
across organizational boundaries. Therefore, innovation requires supporting tools
to enable an idea generation pipeline (Skarzynski and Gibson, 2008). According to
Subramanian and Nilakanta (1996), decentralized and informal organizational structures
facilitate innovations. They also propose that flexibility and openness of structures help
to encourage new idea generation. A supportive structure plays an important role in
improving communication in the organization (Dixit and Nanda, 2011). Reward systems
are powerful motivators and foster creative behavior (Lawson and Samson, 2001).